Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Any Problem in UoM you want to share?

Vu success nous blog, boucou zeleves au courant de sa et zotte in gagne 1 platform qui ANONYMN kotte zotte capave exprimes zotte en toute liberté, et pas pour gagne problem anyways!!!!! Ben mo invite tout zeleves qui ena PROBLEM, vinne la, share this with us, NOUS pour faire le necessaire pour zotte, et pas BLIER quand 1 problem li affiché publicly li ena PLIS l'impact qui zotte alle fight zotte case touseul!!! So share your issues either ytou send us an anonymous comment here or SEND EMAIL on realmauritius@gmail.com and all these matters will be treated confidentially as we did BEFORE!!!There will be no email disclosure, you can trust us as those who already did. We are on the last week of this semester, many have exams/test/assignment/dissertation, we wish you all good luck.

We have over 5000 views so far...


  1. I am with you!!! Go FOR IT!!! At least someone doing something for us!!!

  2. me envi fer 1 fete dans common entre friend, mais kifer pas pe gagn permission ek sa boug cot issue games la?

  3. pa cav fer 1 striptize party dan uom

  4. I would advise any student who has got any kind of problem (real - the striptease party can wait) to contact any member of the Student Union. They will be far more likely to help you than a dick hiding being a blog whose only help to you will be to blog about it.


  5. LOL but it kinda work my friend, you might be criticizing that am hiding behind my blog but it helped student to be aware of the true happenings of UoM, and yes i trust in them to share their problems and people like you will always talk bad on us as you TOUT caca to POU fané zeleves POUR CONNER asterre!!!HAHAHA and yes Anyone here try to go and have a meeting with any member of the SU then you will come here to complain I PROMISE! And yes i will make a special request to those who are blabering that am hiding behind this blog, please when posting comments put your realNAME!Don't be afraid you!If you really have the guts!!!

  6. boufon p hide,apre li dir so kamarad met so vrai nom? ta baya! zet to lekor parla! ahahaha

  7. sa part kot tone dir " i promise la" p fer mw rapel ene dimun... ;) lol.. la boue p riye la mare likisorma la.. to ene vrai frustrer man... met seryer.. ena rhum chamarel 50% ek rhum st aubin 70%.. asizer bour sa ban larak la ek kass ene poz grille ene bon tabac.. ena dimun p gagn pou dir wai li maha seryer tou.. si faler ti pou koz lor zot mama lor zot ser, ti pou kk lerla.. bouC imP zot liki dooo...

  8. salut tu peu regarD ton email :)))) je ne sais pas ton NOM !!!!! :PPPPP


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